iPhone 5: First impressions from an avid Apple fan

iPhone 5: First impressions from an avid Apple fan

I have always been an iGeek. No, not an iSheep. I don’t like that term, for an obvious reason (ie. I doubt many Apple fans will like being called a sheep.) I do not follow Apple blindly, but I do follow them with much admiration. And I am proud to be an iGeek. Now, before I go into more details in reviewing my experience of owning my first iPhone – the new iPhone 5 – …

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Hey, I blog!

Hey, I blog!

Yes. I blog. Or at least, I will start blogging again. I will post on things I love, such as technology, social media, creativity and pretty things. I will post on things I do, hopefully not the mundane everyday boring stuff but the more exciting events and milestones. I will write about life and love and everything else in between. All that, just because I can. Yes, I’m back. And boy, am I excited! PS: …

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